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Introductory Physics with Calculus Textbook

I am currently in the process of writing my own textbook for my classes on introductory physics with calculus at Broward College, to replace the assigned textbook currently being used in PHY2048/PHY2049. This is not because I have anything against the assigned textbook, but because it's more efficient for the students to see the material exactly as I want them to see it, in exactly the order that I want them to see it. Plus, this textbook is free! Currently, the book is in the initial stages of being written, and no draft has been posted yet. Check back here for updates, as I will try to release new chapters as the semester goes on.

Current version:

Currently, the book is still in the initial stages of development. Once the first 2-3 chapters are written, then I will post the first draft of the textbook. Check back soon, and be sure to check in regularly! The table below keeps tracm=k of the status of the book, so you can know instantly whether or not the book has been udpated since you checked last.


Think you found a mistake in the text? Errata for the textbook hasn't been established yet, but you can find the page dedicated to errata here. If the mistake you've found isn't listed in the errata, send me an email at comments@blazartheory.com

Table of Contents and Status of the Book:

Possible statuses: Unstarted, In Progress, First Draft Ready, Reviewed by at least One Person.

First-Semester Physics: Classical Mechanics Second-Semester Physics: Electromagnetism
Ch 1: Review of Mathematics In Progress Ch 18: Electrostatics Unstarted
Ch 2: 1-Dimensional Motion Unstarted Ch 19:Gauss' Law Unstarted
Ch 3: 2-Dimensional Motion Unstarted Ch 20: Electrical Energy Unstarted
Ch 4: Newton's Laws of Motion Unstarted Ch 21: Capacitors Unstarted
Ch 5: Applications of Newton's Laws Unstarted Ch 22: Direct Current Circuits Unstarted
Ch 6: Work and Kinetic Energy Unstarted Ch 23: The Magnetic Force Unstarted
Ch 7: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation Unstarted Ch 24: Production of Magnetic Fields Unstarted
Ch 8: Momentum and It's Conservation Unstarted Ch 25: Electromagnetic Induction Unstarted
Ch 9: Rotation of Rigid Bodies Unstarted Ch 26: Inductance Unstarted
Ch 10: Dynamics of Rotation Unstarted Ch 27: Alternating Current Circuits Unstarted
Ch 11: Equilibrium Unstarted Ch 28: Electromagnetic Waves Unstarted
Ch 12: Gravitation Unstarted Ch 29: Propagation of Light Unstarted
Ch 13: Simple Harmonic Motion Unstarted Ch 30: Geometric Optics Unstarted
Ch 14: Waves and Sound Unstarted Ch 31: Wave Optics Unstarted
Ch 15: Fluid Mechanics Unstarted Ch 32: The Special Theory of Relativity Unstarted
Ch 16: Heat, Temperature, and Kinetic Theory Unstarted Ch 33: Partile-Wave Duality Unstarted
Ch 17: The Laws of Thermodynamics Unstarted Ch 34: Notion about Quantum Mechanics Unstarted
Ch 35: Atomic Structure Unstarted
Ch 36: Introduction to Nuclear and Partilcle Physics Unstarted
Ch 37: A Bit of Cosmology Unstarted